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lung power 發聲力;肺力。

lung sac

Further , people with respiratory problems may have difficulty using a mask , which demands three times the lung power of normal breathing 此外,有呼吸問題的人使用防毒面具可能會有困難,因為肺部會比正常呼吸費力三倍。

As the drilling proceeded , he seemed to wax exceedingly wroth over trifles , and to increase his lung power in proportion 在排練進行之中,他似乎對一些小事都表現得憤怒至極,嗓門也相應地變得越來越大。

I don ' t have the lung power 我的肺活量不行

Our bone structure was all wrong , our lung power inadequate 我們的骨結構不適應,我們的肺活量跟不上。